What is Omics?

The branches of biology with names ending in the suffix 'omics' are informally referred to as Omics. Examples include Genomics, Proteomics, and Metabolomics. These disciplines are dedicated to identifying, quantifying, and studying the interactions of biomolecules within living cells.

What is HomoeOmics?

HomoeOmics is a resource that assembles information on the genes, proteins, and metabolites that are identified to be regulated in various cells/cell types under the influence of specific homoeopathic drugs (including information on their dilutions or potency)/or their basic components as studied and reported in published literature.

Why HomoeOmics?

HomeOmics information can be utilized for referencing interactions of homoeopathic drugs with biomolecules, comparing interactions of various homoeopathic drugs on biomolecules, and repurposing homoeopathic drugs for incurable diseases.

How to use HomoeOmics?

The HomeOmics database can be searched using three types of search strings: the name of homeopathic drugs, gene symbols, and the name of diseases according to ICD-11.

Who can use HomoeOmics?

The information in the HomeOmics database may be useful for students, clinicians, and researchers in homeopathy, as well as for drug developers, molecular biologists, and systems biologists.